“The USA has the safest health system in the world”. The Johns Hopkins University and the global management of pandemics

Von Werner Rügemer

Media around the world quote the Johns Hopkins University when it comes to the count of the infected and dead from the corona virus Covid-19. The figures are always slightly higher than the figures released simultaneously by the competent national authorities, in Germany for example the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Why, in terms of the definition, global presentation and management of epidemics and pandemics, is the private university in Baltimore/Maryland incomparably more important than the national authorities? And why does Johns Hopkins praise the US health care system as the best protected against pandemics in the world?
Always a few steps ahead
The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) obtains its data not only from national authorities and the World Health Organization (WHO), but also conducts its own timely research in other sources, e.g. local health authorities, hospitals and their Twitter accounts, research institutes and test laboratories, municipal press offices and infection centers in particularly affected regions, from interviews with virologists and specialist journals. Nobody knows this landscape as well as the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) of the JHU and has as many resources to this end.
The CSSE also operates in this way in the USA itself and in 195 countries around the world. According to the JHU, the website with the Covid-19 data is visited more than a billion times a day.
And that is somehow bad? Mankind surely needs to know as precisely as possible about itself, especially with dangerous diseases that spread around the whole earth?
By the way, one should not necessarily assume that data meet academic standards just because they come from an institution that calls itself academic. In nations of law official medical death certificates must state the main cause of death. This is not the case with the JHU death figures: was Covid-19 merely coincidental or was it the main cause of death? What this means can be seen, for example, from the Covid-19 figures in Italy: According to the Italian National Institute of Health ISS, the average age of those who tested positive was 81 years. 80 percent of the deceased had 2 or more chronic pre-existing conditions (cardiovascular, diabetes, respiratory problems, cancer), 50 percent had 3 or more such conditions. Less than 1 percent of the deceased were healthy persons.[1]
So, without denying the elusive risks, we should pursue the question: why is it that the public's legitimate fears are being exacerbated here in a highly scientific way?
Global data management
In the field of diseases, health policy, epi- and pandemics, the JHU runs numerous institutes. They are also networked with national and international institutions. This began more than a hundred years ago, during World War I.
In 1916 the School of Public Health was founded at the JHU. Most of the money came from the then largest corporate foundation of the richest US entrepreneur at the time, the Rockefeller Foundation. The founding president was William H. Welch, a pathologist and hygienist from the private elite university Yale. In 1916, at the urging of Wall Street and major corporations, the USA decided to enter the war in Europe, contrary to President Woodrow Wilson's promise of peace and neutrality. Wilson, by the way, was a graduate of the JHU. The government took care of the health of its future soldiers: Welch became one of the Army's chief advisors and then one of the leading academics in the fight against Spanish flu: It spread from the United States to the trenches and populations of warring nations in Europe at the end of the war in 1918.
Welch was also president of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research until 1932. Welch, Rockefeller and the JHU School of Public Health launched the integration into US global strategy, for example with the help of the Union Medical College in Beijing: US medicine was to be disseminated in developing countries, which, as with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek in China, were supported by the USA. Doctors from such countries receive scholarships to study in the USA.
Connections to the military, billionaires, government
For starters, let us note that the JHU, founded in 1876 from the assets of the banker, railroad entrepreneur and multimillionaire Johns Hopkins, is firstly a private university, and secondly it has direct connections to the military and US foreign policy. For example, it is home to the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). It is named after the investment banker Nitze, who was US Secretary of the Navy and Deputy Secretary of Defense in the 1950s and who, as a "hawk", then joined Ronald Reagan in advocating the stationing of medium-range missiles in Western Europe.
Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State, is a JHU graduate. She asserted: The 500,000 dead children in Iraq due to the US embargo were "worth the price".[2]
The JHU is a stomping ground for US-friendly multi-billionaires. For example, the foundation of the shipowner oligarch Stravros Niarchos (headquarters: Vaduz/Liechtenstein), who supplied US oil companies with his fleet of tankers and supported the 1976 military coup in Greece with the CIA, finances the Agora Institute at the JHU: it advocates the "strengthening of global democracy". The foundation also makes donations to the JHU in general, to the SAIS and to the JHU School of Medicine.[3] We will turn later to the other foundation billionaires who are more important for health.
This private university, with close links to business, the military and government, acts in the "national interest" of the USA. This results from its association with government institutions, corporations, banks, wealthy donors, other elite universities, the military and the State Department: the health and sickness of all people on earth are also important for the well-being, security (and business) of the arrogated "sole world power", as the advisor to several US presidents put it.[4] "America First" has been valid since the founding of the state and is not a brainchild of the current US President Trump.
Before we look at the expanded current toolbox of the JHU, we examine an unusually well documented large-scale project. Thereby continuing to pursue the question: Is it good that the JHU researches viruses and manages the health and disease data of mankind?
JHU on trial: Infection with venereal diseases in Guatemala
The JHU is currently on trial in Washington, together with the Rockefeller Foundation and the pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb.
The indictment: From 1946 to 1948, JHU physicians in Guatemala, with the participation of the other two defendants, infected 1,500 prison inmates, mental patients, prostitutes, children in institutions (orphans) and low-ranking soldiers with venereal diseases without their knowledge, primarily syphilis, along with gonorrhea and chancroid. In the first phase, the doctors encouraged prisoners to have sex with prostitutes who were already infected. Later, the bacteria were injected directly. Penicillin was tested as a drug. The evaluation lasted until 1953. 5,128 tests were carried out in total. It is proven that 83 deaths occurred in the immediate period thereafter. Subsequent consequences, including among descendants, have not been researched in detail.[5]
The hapless guinea pigs were lured with ridiculous gifts, such as cigarettes. The heads of the impoverished institutions - prison, children's home run by Christian nuns, psychiatric hospital - received donations. Some subjects were registered under fantasy names, such as "The Mute of St. Marcos".
Most of the 12 US physicians involved came from the JHU. They appeared in white coats, blatantly violated the Hippocratic oath en masse - while at the same time US prosecutors at the military tribunal in Nuremberg and subsequent tribunals denounced the criminal experiments of Nazi doctors on concentration camp prisoners.
The experiments were an assignment from the US military. The ground was laid during the war by the Roosevelt administration: Research on "medical problems affecting national defense". US soldiers, whose sexual needs are taken care of by the US on all missions worldwide, often came back from previous wars with venereal diseases. And after World War II, similar consequences were expected for the many other missions in Asia (Vietnam, Korea, Laos, Cambodia). It was a question of reduced operational capability due to venereal diseases: How many man- and combat days will be lost if we do not find an effective medication?
“Crimes outside the USA not punishable”
The perpetrators hid their crimes. It was not the JHU, duty bound to science, that finally uncovered them. By chance, in 2010, Professor Susan Reverby of Wellesley College, without having been looking for them, stumbled upon notes by Charles Cutler, a specialist in venereal diseases who died in 2003. After his death, he had been honored in the US media as a "pioneer in the prevention of venereal diseases". He had directed the human trials. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama apologized to the government in Guatemala.
Human rights and victims' lawyers negotiated with the JHU, the Rockefeller Foundation and the pharmaceutical company for compensation on behalf of 774 victims and their descendants, some of whom were also injured. They demanded one billion dollars - without success. That's why they went to court in Washington in 2012 - it dismissed the case: although the crimes had been proven, they had occurred outside the United States and were therefore not punishable under US law.[6]
The plaintiffs appealed. JHU, the Rockefeller Foundation and Bristol-Myers Squibb demanded the termination of the proceedings. But US Federal Judge Theodore Chuang rejected the demand. The lawsuit has remained undecided so far.
Obama’s Ethics Commission investigates – JHU doesn't want to know
In the wake of Reverby's publication, President Obama established a high-level Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. It reviewed 125,000 documents and published its 220-page report in 2011.[7]
According to the report, such experiments already began during the war. In 1942, they were conducted at the US Prison at Terre Haute, Indiana. Prof. Joseph E. Moore of the JHU School of Medicine, Director of the Department of STDs, developed the research design for this. He estimated in 1943 that about 350,000 US soldiers could be newly infected, resulting in 7 million days of absence from duty.
After the war, Moore then headed the 12-member group of scientists for the experiments in Guatemala. From the JHU came other members, more than from any other university: Dr. Harry Eagle from the STD Laboratory; Dr. Lowell Reed, Dean of the School of Hygiene and Public Health, later President of the JHU; Dr. Thomas Turner, Professor at the School of Medicine, later Dean. From Harvard University came Dr. Harry Solomon, from the University of Pennsylvania came Dr. John Stokes. The others came from the Army, the Navy, one from the Office of Veterans, the others from the Governmental Public Health Agency (US PHS). Another two staff members, Dr. Kenneth Maxcy and Dr. Lewis Weed, also came from JHU.[8]
The JHU commented on the Commission report: We totally reject these "unethical" activities. But no university body had authorized the activities, the responsibility lay exclusively with the US government. No apology.[9]
The Bloomberg School of Public Health
The JHU claims to be the world leader in the science of health. To this end, it operates 9 faculties with 30 centers and institutes: The already mentioned CSSE, Global Health Security, Global Health Prevention, Risk Assessment, Health Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Ethics, Applied Behavioral Analysis, Behavioral Biology, Biotechnical Entrepreneurship and the like. The in-house hospital with 226 departments and 1,600 doctors is located on the extensive campus in 37 buildings. Annual research budget: USD 2.5 billion. The School of Nursing sets the national standards for nurse training. 35 Nobel Prizes ended up here.
The current JH Bloomberg School of Public Health is the School of Public Health, which has been expanded over the decades and was founded in 1916 by Prof. Welch with the Rockefeller Foundation. In 2001 "Bloomberg" was added to the name: This is due to the several billion dollars donated by the New York banker Michael Bloomberg. He had studied at the JHU. He had become a multi-billionaire as a co-owner of Wall Street banks, most recently Merrill Lynch. He then built up a holding company with print, TV and radio for financial media. The Bloomberg agency distributes much-cited Wall Street information worldwide, but also information from the Bloomberg School.
The stock-reactionary multi-billionaire - with USD 55 billion assets in 9th place of the Forbes list (2019) of the richest people on earth - is actually a member of the Democratic Party. However, he switched without scruples to the Republicans when the prospects of being elected mayor of New York were better. He remained in office from 2002 to 2013, privatizing schools, hospitals and virtually all public services. His Stop&Frisk program (police stop suspects on the street and immediately frisk them thoroughly) hit foreigners in particular and was eventually banned by the federal court as unconstitutional.
In late 2019, with the help of USD 400 million in advertising, he wanted to quickly assert himself as presidential candidate, this time for the Democratic Party - the Clinton establishment had no objection to the super-rich opportunist. He wanted to prevent the successful socialist candidate, Sanders. Bloomberg had to withdraw because he was barely winning votes.
JHU Bill&Melinda Gates Institute
Besides Bloomberg, the foundation of Microsoft founder William Gates is the largest sponsor of the JHU in the field of health. In addition to project donations and other collaborations, the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the world's largest corporate foundation with a budget of USD 40 billion to date, established its own institute at the JHU in 1999: Bill&Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health.
It organizes family planning and "social change" in 30 selected countries, mainly in Asia, but also in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. At the JHU, scientists from these countries are awarded scholarships, trained in "strategic leadership" and then deployed as medical leaders in their countries of origin.
To this end, the Institute establishes reproductive health centers in states that are particularly close to the USA. The aim is a satisfying and safe sex life with free choice on childbirth. However, abortion is rejected. In particular, the transmission of AIDS, hepatitis and syphilis from mother to child is to be prevented. Such centers exist in Egypt, Uganda, Nigeria, Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines, among others.
In this way, the Institute gains deep insights into the prevailing conditions in the countries involved.
October 18, 2019: Corona virus scenario “Event201”
The JHU also organizes campaigns. In the process it is in contact with relevant actors. In the USA, these include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the highest US health authority with 21,000 employees; the National Institute of Health (NIAD) with 20,000 employees; the Center for Global Health of other elite universities such as Harvard; internationally, the World Health Organization (WHO); major private foundations, with the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation at the forefront, the Bloomberg Family Foundation and the Wellcome Trust as well as pharmaceutical companies such as GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and Sanofi.
On October 18, 2019, the JHU Center for Health Security in New York organized the three-and-a-half-hour business game Event201. The Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum were co-organizers.
The starting point: a new and SARS-like corona virus, transmitted from animal to human, but more aggressive, spreads from pig farms in Brazil to large South American cities, reaches Portugal, the USA and China via air travelers and from there to the whole world. No drug is available in the first year. Initially, the number of infected and dead people doubles every week, and the economic and social consequences become increasingly severe.
End of the scenario: After 18 months, the pandemic has caused 65 million deaths. Either a drug has now been found or 80 to 90 percent of the world population is still exposed to the virus.[10]
Under the leadership of Tom Inglesby, Director of the Center for Health Security, representatives of the following actors took part in the simulation:
*Gates Foundation
*World Bank
*Pharmaceutical and medical device companies Johnson&Johnson und US Medical Group Henry Schein
*Hotel chain Marriott
*Logistics company UPS
*Lufthansa Group Airlines
*US PR agency specializing in political relations and risk analysis Edelman
*Media company NBC Universal Media
*central US health authority CDC
*one ex-director of the CIA and former US security consultants.[11]

The CIA is a partner of the JHU. The secret service organizes public recruiting events at the university. They take place at the Washington office of the JHU Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. During the ‘career week’ students can inform themselves about career opportunities under the motto "learn about working at the Central Intelligence Agency". This took place for example on 3/15/2019 from 9.00 am - 12.pm.
Event201 is modelled on the pattern of Event101: It was developed by the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the private foreign policy advisory body of the USA, which - in addition to terrorism, migration, etc. - also maintains a Global Health Department, with a focus on contagious diseases such as AIDS and Ebola as well as cancer and dementia; diabetes in Mexico is currently receiving special attention. The main sponsors are once again the US government and the Gates Foundation.[12]
The business game Event201 with a new corona virus took place in October 2019. Just over a month later the Covid-19 epidemic broke out in the Chinese megacity of Wuhan. Later, the JHU put the 65 million dead and the non-availability of a drug into perspective: it was not a prediction, but a fiction.[13] Two months later, JHU announced: We have developed the Covid-19 test.[14]
“The secret head of the WHO is Bill Gates”
We now come to the World Health Organization WHO. First of all: With Secretary General Kofi Annan, the privatization of the UN began. Since the mid-1990s, the International Chamber of Commerce under Nestlé CEO Helmut Maucher had been preparing with Annan what they called the "joint shaping of globalization". Annan presented the cooperation at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 1999.[15]
The 50 companies involved at the time - in addition to Nestlé, including Coca Cola, Goldman Sachs, the Rio Tinto mining group, McDonald's and Unilever - have now grown to 9,500. They can adorn themselves with the human rights image of the UN, but reject any sanctions-based commitment to respect human rights. Their motto: "Transform the World through Business".[16]
Gates and Bloomberg, now supported by the practiced populist major speculator Warren Buffett, with their foundations and with the JHU institutes they finance, act as the public propagandists of global health and disease management. They became the main financiers of the World Health Organization WHO. The BGMF leads the way, financing the WHO's five-billion budget with about 700 million annually, together with the US and British governments, which otherwise keep the UN on as short a lease as possible or boycott it.[17] Among other things, the WHO determines which diseases are important for the world and when an epidemic has become a pandemic.
"The secret head of the WHO is called Bill Gates", was the title of the German leading medium Die ZEIT (comparable to the New York Times), which has deep admiration for the self-appointed God’s gift to mankind.[18]
Private global governance of health
The JHU institutes and the WHO are not sufficient for the management of the global private health business. They have therefore been founding other organizations for two decades and have been building up collaborations along the lines of public-private partnerships:
*GAVI: The Gates Foundation, together with pharmaceutical foundations, established the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in 1999. The Gates Foundation donated USD 1.56 billion over the period 2016-2019. WHO, World Bank, UNICEF are involved. GAVI coordinates the development of vaccines. The head since 2011 is Seth Berkley, Harvard graduate, who first worked at the US health authority CDC and then headed the Health Sciences Division at the Rockefeller Foundation for eight years. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and of the Supervisory Board of the US pharmaceutical group Gilead.
*GHIT: The Global Health Innovation Technology Fund (GHIT) was established in 2013 by the Gates Foundation and the British Wellcome Trust (which emerged from the pharmaceutical company Glaxo) together with the most important pharmaceutical companies in Japan. Infectious and previously neglected diseases in developing countries are to be combated more intensively than before.
*CEPI: Since 2017, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI) has been funding and coordinating the development of vaccines against all viruses classified as pandemic by Gates & Co and the WHO. Currently, about 40 pharmaceutical and biotech companies are being funded for Covid-19 vaccines, mainly from the USA (Moderna, Novavax, Inovio), along with two in Germany, Curevac and Biontech. Gates has a USD 52 million stake in Curevac.[19] The Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust were the initiators of CEPI with USD 100 million each. The governments of Japan, Norway, Great Britain, Germany together with the EU are further sponsors. It is headed by Richard Hatchett: He was head of the Department of Biodefense Policy at the Homeland Security Council under George W. Bush.
*World Bank: In 2017, the World Bank also recognized that pandemics are a new business line. For the first time, it provided a loan of USD 500 million to fight infectious diseases, for poor countries. The loans are granted when the following viruses are involved: Influenza virus A, corona viruses such as SARS and MERS, Ebola, Marburg and other viruses transmitted from animals to humans. The loans are available when WHO declares a pandemic. The loans are distributed via the three reinsurers Munich Re, Swiss Re and Guy Carpenter.[20] By the way: the largest shareholder of each of the two largest reinsurers, Munich RE and Swiss Re, is BlackRock.
*World Economic Forum (WEF): This informal gathering of heads of corporations, banks, states and the media, which meets annually in the Swiss mountains in Davos and is chaired by Harvard graduate Klaus Schwab, is now a co-organizer of global health management. In 2017 CEPI was founded in Davos with a major appearance by Gates. WEF was co-organizer of Event201.
*GIJN: The Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN), founded in 2003 and based in Maryland/USA, is primarily funded by the Open Society Foundation of US hedge fund speculator George Soros.[21] The network also produces tailored press materials for the above-mentioned campaigns, now for the Covid 19 management, and organizes training programs to this end.[22]
Epidemic fanatic Gates: "America First "activist
Since GAVI's inception in 1999, Gates has been predicting the imminent and frequent advent of pandemics with millions of deaths. In October 2019, for example, 65 million corona virus deaths were assumed in the Event201 simulation.
For this speculation, the fanatic ignores the hunger that makes incomparably more people ill every day, from baby age upwards, and wreaks death, especially in the catchment area of "America First", in US-American slums and worldwide. Furthermore, Gates & Co deny not only the danger of coming wars, but also the present and potential wars.
"During my childhood, nuclear war was the catastrophe we feared most. Today, the risk of global catastrophe looks different. It is no longer missiles, it is microbes,"[23] the philanthropist proclaims - while all the US governments he has supported so far have waged and continue to wage numerous deadly wars around the globe in the name of "America First" and are still now deploying nuclear missiles against staged old and new enemies and arming themselves against Russia and China on the ground, in the air, in space and on the seas - including preventive first use of nuclear bombs, once again official US military doctrine since President Obama.[24]
Gates has never criticized a US war. The dead of these wars and proxy wars and permanent occupations as in Afghanistan do not interest this philanthropist. He is also, like Bloomberg, politically mercilessly opportunistic: Democrats are good, Republicans are also good, according to need. Gates donates to both established war parties. In order to prevent the socialist Sanders or even the moderate social democrat Elizabeth Warren from running for president for the Democrats now, he would back Trump, he professed.[25]
Gates, his foundation, and his worldwide health projects, together with the JHU and the other cooperation partners, are active players in "America First". From the very beginning, Microsoft under Gates' leadership used the exploitation of lowest-wage earners, deprived of all rights and indeed illegalized, first in Silicon Valley itself, then in the labor barracks of the Taiwanese organizer of low-wage exploitation, Foxconn, in China - where Microsoft, like Apple and other Silicon Valley companies, tried in 2006 to prevent the implementation of human rights standards - based on the International Labor Organization ILO, which is part of the UNO - but without success.[26]
With Microsoft software in public administrations, businesses and the military, the EU is a Microsoft colony.[27]  At the same time, Microsoft is currently the Pentagon's largest contractor: Microsoft won the 2019 tender for its latest artificial intelligence project – USD 10 billion for 10 years.[28]
The Gates Foundation got or gets its billions from stakes primarily in US corporations such as Microsoft, Coca Cola, Monsanto, Shell, Bayer, BASF, Dow Chemical, BP, Exxon Mobil, Glencore, McDonald's, Walmart.[29] While Bill Gates still has a six percent stake in Microsoft and can thus remain a multi-billionaire, the major shareholders of Microsoft, as with the other groups mentioned, are now the big capital organizers Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Capital World, T Rowe Price, Fidelity, Wellington, Bank of New York Mellon, JP Morgan.[30]
Participants in the JHU business game Event201 were UPS, Marriott, UPS, Johnson&Johnson and Lufthansa: Their largest shareholders are also Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street: For them, pandemics like Covid-19 now, with the accompanying swings in share prices, are a particularly lucrative business area.[31] Microsoft's major shareholders like BlackRock are now also taking advantage of the "Corona crisis".[32]
Global Health Security Index: “USA best equipped”
The Bloomberg School of Public Health also includes the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. It produces the Global Health Security Index. It evaluates the quality of the health care systems of 195 countries: How well prepared are they to successfully fight epidemics?
In creating it, the JHU is supported by the Gates Foundation, the Robertson Foundation of New York hedge fund manager Julian Robertson (Tiger Management), the Open Philanthropy Project of Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz ("the youngest billionaire ever"), the Economist Intelligence Unit (part of The Economist magazine, advising companies in the global search for the most favorable location for outsourcing and services) and the Nuclear Threat Initiative, founded by Ted Turner/CNN and Senator Sam Nunn (former Chairman of the Congressional Armed Services Committee).[33]
In addition to JHU scientists, the expert panel includes representatives of the Gates Foundation, the General Electric Foundation, the World Bank, the Economist Intelligence Unit, the US Universities of Georgetown and Columbia and numerous developing countries such as Uganda, Pakistan, Indonesia, Liberia, as well as Japan and Finland.
Result of the current index 2019: On average, health systems are "very poorly" prepared, with 40.2 out of a possible 100 points. 75 percent of health systems, especially in developing countries, are in a "catastrophic" state.
But which healthcare system is best prepared, is in first place? It's the United States. In three respects: firstly, overall; secondly, in the publication of pathogens and risks; thirdly, in responsible science. In terms of rapid containment, the USA is "only" in second place - after the health system in Great Britain, which was similarly broken! By the way: The People's Republic of China is in 51st place.
When the supposedly critical media smart alecs now trample on the stupid twerp Trump because he denied the spread of the Covid 19 pandemic in the USA for too long - these equally stupid media should rather trample on the twerps of the JHU, the Gates Foundation, etc. Because Trump referred to the Global Health Security Index, which he presented to the assembled world press at the White House. "Johns Hopkins, I believe, is a highly respected, great institution," he swooned.[34]
The US health care system as a global paragon
So we can now answer the initial question: It is not good, but very bad, even life-threatening, that the processing of health and disease data and the pandemic management of humanity are in the hands of Johns Hopkins University in private association with Gates, Bloomberg, Robertson, CDC, GAVI, CEPI, GHIT, WEF, World Bank, Economist, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, BlackRock, Vanguard & Co.
Although JHU, Gates, US governmental authorities, WHO & Co. have been constantly warning of pending pandemics with many millions of deaths since CEPI was founded in 1999 - nevertheless, especially in the USA, privatization, job cuts, case-based lump sum methods etc eroded reserves for additional tests and treatments, then in the EU as well, especially in the current Covid-19 death states Italy and Spain.[35]
In addition, failure to test and treat other seriously ill patients causes even more deaths. JHU, Gates, Bloomberg & Co do not necessarily consciously want this - capitalists routinely protect themselves by professional self-blindness to the recognition of the consequences they have caused - the recurring financial crises are the best-known example.
To close, a short look at the "safest health system in the world" praised by JHU, Gates & Co with some known data:[36]
*2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 inhabitants, similar to the UK and just ahead of developing countries. For comparison: Russia and Germany have 8 beds, France 6.[37]
*Hence, even in normal operation, numerous non-admissions in urgent cases.
*27.5 million Americans are without any health insurance. What is more, this official figure is too low because millions of illegals who keep things running in private households, restaurants and other low-grade services are also not insured.
*Approximately 100 million Americans have only partial insurance: co-payments are required for dental prostheses, operations, hospitalization, medication, etc., but many insured persons cannot afford them.
*Privatization and high insurance premiums: The health system is by far the most expensive per capita, even though millions of serious diseases among part of the population are not treated at all.
* Highest infant mortality and lowest life expectancy in comparison with all developed countries (also in comparison with Cuba, for example), with a yawning gulf between rich and poor.
*Even in normal operating mode: Twice as many Americans in comparison to developed countries die due to infectious diseases that are actually controllable, such as pneumonia.
There you have mankind’s best-equipped health system against epi- and pandemics, praised in the highest academic terms by JHU& Co. It is a business model: predict many deaths but fail to equip the health system to cope.
The pandemics world model
JHU, Gates & Co also focus exclusively on the dangers of pandemics while in practice leaving the much greater, often deadly threats to human health and their causes intact: hunger, wars, nationally and globally organized working poor are actually surmountable with - in principle - simple means. Compliance with UN international law and universal human rights - which also include labor and social rights – are a good starting point. But the philanthropists à la Gates, Bloomberg & Co do not think much of this.
No: hunger, wars, covert military operations, malnutrition, globally outsourced low-wage labor with the lowest environmental standards, poverty at work, in retirement and in old age, contaminated drinking water, polluted air are the much greater, permanent threats to the health of billions of people. War and economic refugees - what are the health risks to them, for example at the borders, fences and walls of the USA and the EU? Have you ever thought about that, Mr. Humanitarian?
Following the SARS and MERS corona virus variants, it was clear to the scientific community that corona viruses originating from or transmitted by animals, including in China, are changing rapidly and creating new variants. The global community must prepare its health systems for this. This was summarized in 2015 by a dozen scientists from other US universities, from Wuhan and Zurich.[38]But JHU, Gates & Co sent panicky predictions of looming pandemics around the world, most recently the Event201 business game in October, and did not urge the bolstering of health systems - only China, Singapore and a number of other countries did so.
JHU, Gates&Co: Scientific and moral competence forfeited
The US-infected world community has put up with a lot for its health and its diseases over the decades. The EU, the European Commission and the national governments have also followed the US example and designed the health systems of the member states according to the "best of all (capitalist) worlds".
The globalizers à la JHU, Gates&Co have now finally forfeited their claim, not least their scientific and moral competence and authority, to shape the global conditions of humanity.
This asocial, inhuman, often deadly dis-order must be replaced by a democratic one. Again, there is an occasion, a reason to do it. Let’s seize it! [39]

Actual book of Werner Rügemer: The Capitalists of the 21st Century. An Easy-to-Understand outline on the Rise of the New Financial Players. 308 pages, ISBN 978-3-7497-1163-5, tredition publishers 2019

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[2] youtube.com/watch?v=e53xltZeds

[3] snf.org/en/grants/grantees, downloaded 3/15/2020

[4] Zbigniew Brzezinksi: American Primary and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, New York 1997

[5] Rory Carroll: Guatemala victims of US syphilis study still haunted by the 'devil's experiment', The Guardian 6/8/2011

[6] Opfer amerikanischer Syphilis-Experimente scheitern vor Gericht, Der Spiegel 6/14/2012

[7] “Ethically Impossible”. STD Research in Guatemala from 1946 – 1948, Washington September 2011

[8] “Ethically Impossible” p.30f.

[9] A Commentary on Reports by the President Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, hopkinsmedicine.org/news/stories/study_bioethical-issues.html, downloaded 26.3.2020

[10]www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/scenario.html, downloaded 3/15/2020

[11] Event201 Pandemic exercise underscores immediate need for public-private cooperation to mitigate severe economic and societal impacts of pandemics, www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/190117-press-release.html, downloaded 3/16/2020

[12] world101.cfr.org/global-era-issues/globalhealth, downloaded 3/20/2020

[13] Statement about nCoV and our pandemic exercise, www.centerforhealsthsecurity.org/news 1/24/2020

[14] Corona virus Screening Test Developed at Johns Hopkins, www.hopkinsmedicine.org 3/14/2020

[15] Belen Balanya i.a.: Europe Inc. London 2000, p.166ff.

[16] Unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc, downloaded 3/28/2020

[17] People's Health Movement: Who finances the WHO? https://phmovement.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/D1.pdf, p.250ff.

[18] Zeit online 4/9/2017

[19]Der Mann, der die Pandemie voraussagte, Handelsblatt 3/20/2020

[20]The World Bank: World Bank launches first-ever pandemic bonds to support USD 500 Million pandemic emerging financing policy, press release June 28, 2017

[21] Journalism Needs to Reinvent Itself, gijn.org 9/19/2018

[22] Tips for Journalists Covering COVID-19, gijn.org 3/10/2020

[23] Seine Welt, Süddeutsche Zeitung 3/28/2020

[24]Florian Rötzer: Pentagon – (Erst)Einsatz von Atomwaffen kann hilfreich sein, telepolis 6/22/2019

[25] Der Mann, der die Pandemie voraussagte, Handelsblatt 3/20/2020

[26] Werner Rügemer: The Capitalists of the 21st Century, tredition 2019, p.250ff.

[27] Elisa Simantke: Europe's dire dependency on Microsoft, Investigate Europe 6/21/2017; Harald Schumann /Arpad Bondy: Das Microsoft-Dilemma, ARD 2/19/2018

[28] Microsoft Wins Pentagon's $ 10 Billion JEDI Contract, Thwarting Amazon, New York Times 10/25/2019; JEDI = Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure

[29] Due to a public disinvestment program the Foundation has possibly shed some of these stakes, Wikipedia: Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation, downloaded 3/15/2020

[30] Werner Rügemer: Die Kapitalisten p.162

[31] Werner Rügemer: The Capitalists of the 21st Century, p.16ff.;

[32] Jens Berger: Die Gewinner der Krise – BlackRock & Co kassieren gleich doppelt, www.nachdenkseiten 3/24/2020

[33]https://www.ghsindex.org, downloaded 3/25/2020

[34] Trump held up a map showing the US is the best prepared country in the world for a pandemic, https://businessinsider.de/international 2/27/2020

[35] Emma Clancy: Austerity Kills. EU Commission Demanded Cuts to Public Healthcare Spending 63 Times from 2011 – 2018, https://braveneweurope.com 3/28/2020

[36] Warum das US-Gesundheitssystem so teuer ist, Ärzteblatt 3/15/2018

[37] Handelsblatt 3/26/2020

[38] Vineet D Menachery u.a.: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence, Nature Medicine Volume 21, Number 12 December 2015, p.1508ff

[39] More and more proposals to this end are being developed. See also Werner Rügemer: Heuchler, Profiteure und andere Menschenfreunde - „Corona“ als Anlass für kollektive demokratische Selbstorganisation, www.nachdenkseiten.de 3/19/2020